Honerkamp Genealogy - Family Research

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Honerkamp Family Reserach

About my work
I am Sven Honerkamp. The idea of my hobby is, to collect and digitilize data of all living and dceased Honerkamp. On the side of the Family members i concentrate ot the decandents who had a mother who is a born Honerkamp. My collected data contains the whole name, day and place of birth, marriage and death as well as profession. I am not a professional family researcher, Honerkamp Genealogy is my private hobby.
Your help
Please do not wait until I contact you to ask for your family tree informations, just send me an email when you are interested in helping the Genealogy Honerkamp Project. Please take a few minutes to send me a first overview of your family tree, including the names and events you know. As soon as possible I will send you a easy to use text file called family book. In this text all open fields will be signed with a question mark '?'. With the help of this text you won`t get stressed by loosing the overview in generations, lines or similar names! You can print it and write down the completion when you ask your family members for the dates and places you do not know. It`s that simple, just get into contact with me via email...
You got interested?
You know a Honerkamp or related as an old school maid, friend or neighbour who is a Honerkamp or related? Contact Me and tell him or her about me !
You research the same same hobby and there is a Honerkamp related family in your family software? Contact me, maybe I do not have them or blanks are on this part of my tree!
You are a Honerkamp or related and I still don't have you on my family trees? Contact me and I will try to build a family tree for you, too!
Sven Honerkamp and www.honerkamps.de, the source for Honerkamp family reserach
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